FGALEX is a Società tra Avvocati (a corporate company of lawyers recognized under Italian law) whose partners and senior advisors are lawyers, accountants and experienced managers of the corporate, banking and financial sectors with more than 20 years of practice.

The main areas of practice of FGALEX include corporate, banking and financial law, real estate, European Union legislation, regulated markets and insolvency procedures.

FGALEX integrates its legal assistance with the consolidated experience of its lawyers in litigation and arbitration, administrative, tax, antitrust and labor law and compliance matters.

FGALEX acts as legal advisor in sophisticated and innovative corporate deals as well as structured finance transactions, providing multidisciplinary and integrated assistance and supporting clients (i.e. groups, banks and Italian and foreign FIA) in complex and articulated processes.

FGALEX main features are: strong expertise and tailored assistance for the client, as well as independence and international standing, developed through an important network with investment funds and leading independent law firms operating in foreign jurisdictions.